★ 品賞泰式火鍋及泰北迎賓宴。
Tasting Thai typical hot pot and Northern Thai
Welcome dinner.
★ 表演節目:人妖歌舞、泰北民族舞蹈及藝城激光民族歌舞表演等。
Entertainment shows: Alcazar Cabaret, Alangkarn
Culture and Northern Thai folklore shows
★ 全程5星級酒店。
5-star hotel standard throughout
原居地 ✈ 曼谷
Home City ✈ Bangkok
Depart home city for Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
住宿:5★ Swissotel Le Concorde Hotel 或同級
Upon arrival at the airport, the tour will be greeted by a local guide who will take all to a hotel for rest.
曼谷 ~ 花卉市集 ~ 鄭王廟 ~ 藝術之宮 ~ 芭堤雅 ~ 人妖歌舞表演
Bangkok ~ Flower Market ~ Temple of Dawn ~ Art of the Kingdom – Pattaya ~ Alcarza Cabaret Show
住宿:5★Aiyara Grand Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)
After breakfast, all will visit the China Town, the Flower Market, and the old Bangkok City. The tour will then ride on a boat to the opposite side of the river to visit the “Temple of the Dawn”. The Exhibition of the “KINGDOM OF ART” will be the next destination where the country’s precious masterpiece of Arts is on display. The tour, after lunch, will proceed on to the famous beach resort – the Pattaya. All will enjoy an authentic Thai dinner, after which a World Class Alcazar Cabaret Show will be staged for the enjoyment of all. (B/L/D)
芭堤雅 ~ 珊瑚島 ~ 七珍山 ~ 雷射佛 ~ 豪華歌劇院式泰國文化舞蹈表演
Pattaya ~ Coral Island – Rama9 Park ~ Laser Buddha ~ Alangkarn Hi-tech Cultural Show
住宿:5★Aiyara Grand Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)
After breakfast, all will ride on an exciting speed boat trip to the beautiful Coral Island is where all kinds of water activities are available to all. Thai lunch is served. Afternoon visit Rama9 Park where the laser Buddha in carved on the mountain and the grape plantation. A Hi-tech computer ALANGKARN Culture show will be presented while all enjoy a buffet dinner. (B/L/D)
芭堤雅 ~ 騎大象 ~ 世界珠寶博物館 ~曼谷 ~ 四面佛
Pattaya ~ Elephant Riding ~ World Gems Museum ~ Bangkok ~ Four Faces Buddha
住宿:5★Jasimine Resort 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)
After breakfast, proceed to the Siam Elephant Park where one may experience first-hand riding on an elephant. Visits will also be made to The World Gems Museum, Snake Farm and Leather Center. After lunch, return to Bangkok to visit the new Bangkok city and the popular “4 Faced Buddha” after which the Thai hot-pot dinner will be served. (B/L/D)
曼谷 ✈ 清邁 ~ 雙龍寺(包登山纜車) ~ 泰北手工藝及雨傘村 ~ 泰北迎賓晚宴及民族歌舞表演 ~ 夜市
Bangkok ✈ Chiang Mai ~ Doi Suthep Temple ~ Home Industries and Umbrella Village ~
Kantok Dinner and Folk Dance Show ~ Night Market
早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後專車前往機場轉乘內陸航班飛往泰國第二大城市 – 清邁。清邁有北方玫瑰之雅稱,抵達後,驅車登上雙龍寺位於海拔1053公尺的素貼山上之雙龍寺參觀。寺內有座金碧輝煌的佛塔,供奉佛祖釋迦牟尼的舍利子,引來許多善男信女來膜拜,山上也可鳥瞰清邁城全景。繼而前往清邁城外的當地人民手工藝村,參觀有200年歷史的柚木雕刻,銀器,漆器,手工泰絲,棉布織做,最後到BOSANG雨傘村去欣賞手畫雨傘制做。晚餐享用泰北迎賓宴,會中,還可同時欣賞泰北多姿多彩的民族舞蹈表演。晚餐後,可前往清邁市中心的夜市。
住宿:5★ Holiday Inn 或同級 (早、晚餐)
Upon arrival in Chiang Mai, proceed to the Doi Suthep Temple located 1053 meters above sea-level. The Golden Pagoda here is the burial ground of the relic of the Lord Budha. Visits will be made to the Home Industries Village and the Bosang Umbrella Village, where teakwood carving, silverware, silk woven, hand made painting paper and silk umbrella have been famous for 200 years. Kantok Royal Thai Dinner will be served during which Folk Dance Show will be staged for the enjoyment of all. After dinner, all can leisurely roam the night market. (B/D)
清萊 ~ 美賽 ~ 金三角 ~ 長頸山地民族
Chiang Rai ~ Mai Sai Village ~ Golden Triangle ~ Long Neck Hill Tribe
早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後乘豪華客車前往清萊,途中經過有名的溫泉,然後抵達泰國最北的邊境小鎮 – 美賽,在此通過一座與緬甸相連的友誼大橋可辦臨時簽證到對岸的“大其力“市鎮去看看,也有不少的山地民族過來做買賣,午餐於城內的雲南火鍋店,餐後到金三角。金三角位於湄公河和博河交會點,為泰、緬、寮三國邊界,為三不管地帶,乃昔日毒販活躍之地,金三角也因而得名,目前設有鴉片博物館,讓人們瞭解到鴉片的來源及害處,再前往參觀長頸山地民族,此民族以長頸來審美及顯示財富。遊畢後返回清邁。晚餐於途中地道特色餐廳。
住宿:5★ Holiday Inn 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)
Coach to Chiang Rai, and later on to Mai Sai Village. After lunch, proceed to the mysterious Golden Triangle to visit the newly built Opium Museum. The Long Neck Hill Tribe will be the next destination before returning to Chiang Mai for dinner. (B/L/D)
清邁 ✈ 曼谷 ✈ 原居地
Chiang Mai ✈ Bangkok ✈ Home City
早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後專車送往機場,經曼谷轉乘國際航班飛返回原居地。 (早餐)
At the time specified, all will proceed to the airport for a home bound flight. (B)